Volkson Press is a young and quickly expanding professional publisher of scientific journals and proceedings. All of our publications are produced by high-quality professionals offering fast and personal services to conference organizers, editors, and authors.
Our articles are highly citable and downloaded more than million times every year, and thus offering excellent visibility and impact in the scientific community.
Acta Informatica Malaysia
Acta Informatica Malaysia (AIM) is an international journal of high repute covering topics of interest to all those researching and working in the sciences of information and knowledge management. The Editors welcome material on any aspect of information science theory, policy, application or practice that will advance thinking in the field. Information Science is a broad based discipline which has a potential impact in almost every sphere of human activity in the emerging information age. There have been significant advances in information technology and information processing techniques over recent years and the pace of innovation shows no sign of slowing. However, the application of these technologies is often sub-optimal because theoretical understanding lags behind. The Journal seeks to achieve a better understanding of the principles that underpin the effective creation, organization, storage, communication and utilization of information and knowledge resources.
Advanced Management Science (ISSN: 2222-4955, e-ISSN: 2222-4963) is a peer reviewed, free-access academic journal aiming to publish high quality articles covering a wide range of management science and engineering. We devote to providing a forum for international scholars, researchers to publish authoritative and well referenced articles in management science and engineering. Advanced Management Science (AMS) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Journal of Technology & Innovation
The Journal of Technology and Innovation (JTIN) is an international academic journal with a core focus on science, engineering, and technology. Based on an interdisciplinary approach, JTIN is devoted to the promotion of technology research and development in multiple sectors. The journal also serves as a platform for reporting on the latest research findings and exchange of best practices among the global community of scholars and researchers. With an emphasis on the role of innovation in driving technological advances and breakthroughs, the journal presents the latest research on the associated processes and implications of outputs on the wider society.
The journal Advances in Functional Materials (ISSN: 2377-6269, e-ISSN: 2377-8180) aims to assess the current status and to identify future priority and directions in research, design and applications of catalytic materials, ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials, fuel-cell and battery materials, magnetic materials, optical materials, shape memory materials, super capacitor materials, thermoelectric materials, and other related advanced functional materials. This journal provides a platform and an opportunity to promote mutual interaction, information dissemination and exchange between researchers, and hence to promote fruitful collaborations on advanced, state-of-the-art functional materials research and development being developed. Advances in Functional Materials (AFM) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Journal of Wastes and Biomass Management
Solid waste refers to the range of garbage arising from animal and human activities that are discarded as unwanted and useless. Solid waste is generated from industrial, residential and commercial activities in a given area, and may be handled in a variety of ways. As such, landfills are typically classified as sanitary, municipal, construction and demolition or industrial waste sites. Waste can be categorized based on material, such as plastic, paper, glass, metal, and organic waste. Categorization may also be based on hazard potential, including radioactive, flammable, infectious, toxic, or non-toxic. Categories may also pertain to the origin of waste, such as industrial, domestic, commercial, institutional or construction and demolition.
Malaysian Journal of Geosciences
Malaysian Journal Geosciences (MJG) is biannual peer reviewed journal published by Zibeline International Publishing which covers all aspects and information on scientific and technical advances in the geosciences. MJG publishes original and innovative contributions in geosciences The Journal publishes peer-reviewed articles under the category of Review Papers, Research Papers, Short Communications, Notes, Corporate News, Correspondence, Discussion and Book Review. MJG publishes topical, high-quality recent research across the full range of geosciences. The journal publishes timely, innovative, and provocative articles relevant to its international audience, representing research from all fields of the geosciences. Papers are interdisciplinary in nature and emphasize the development of an understanding of fundamental geological processes.
Pakistan Journal of Geology
Indian subcontinent is well respected for its growing research activity in the geosciences, particularly in circum-Himalayan earth science. Pakistan Journal of Geology (PJG) is the peer-reviewed journal of the geologists in Pakistan. The PJG publishes scientific papers, notes, and discussions in the broadly defined fields of geoscience that are related to the geology of Asia. Contributions from Europe and Middle East and Africa are also welcome due to strategic location of Indian subcontinent as well as topical studies on any geoscience-related discipline. Production, publication, and distribution of the PJG are managed by the Zibeline International Publishing. The subject matter includes geology, geophysics, physical geography and pedology. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues of the journal and see whether a planned submission is appropriate. All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and single-blind refereeing.
Matrix Science Mathematic
Matrix Science Mathematic | Matriks Sains Matematik (MSMK) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of mathematics. It devotes exclusively to the publication of high-quality reviews, regular research papers and short communications in all areas of pure and applied mathematics. Mathematicsalso publishes timely and thorough survey articles on current trends, new theoretical techniques, novel ideas and new mathematical tools in different branches of mathematics. A submission must be well written and of interest to a substantial number of mathematicians and scientists. Matriks Sains Matematik (MSMK) currently has an acceptance rate of 15%. The average time between submission and final decision is 30 days and the average time between acceptance and publication is 28 days.
Journal Of Healthcare In Developing Countries
During the course of the past hundred years countries such as Britain have seen a very marked change in their patterns of morbidity and mortality. For example, between 1848 and 1872 it has been estimated that over 32 per cent of all male deaths in England and Wales were caused by infectious diseases and that only 6 per cent were the result of cancer and diseases of the circulatory system. By 1970 the respective figures were 0.6 per cent and 56.6 per cent. In 1848-72 mortality between the ages of one and four has been estimated at 36.5 per 1,000, while in 1970 it was under 1.1 per 1,000 (males). Today about 3 per cent of the total deaths experienced by the population of Britain occur in children under five whereas a century ago they accounted for over 40 per cent.
Malaysian Sports Journal
Sport science is the study of how human muscles and other bodily systems work, develop, and interact with each other in the context of sport and human performance. This broad field includes studies in anatomy, motor learning, human performance, sport psychology, motor development, health and wellness, and biomechanics.
Exercise at any level requires a well-balanced diet to maintain good health and successful sporting performance. Biomechanics makes it possible to calculate the most efficient or the least harmful patterns of movement in sporting movements and techniques, which is an important consideration when designing an exercise programme. Psychological factors may contribute to whether an individual achieves success and optimal performance in sport, and may also affect whether individuals choose to engage in exercise. It is also important to develop practical knowledge of reliable methodologies and measurements and understand how they should be interpreted to support athletes or clients further in their training.
Journal Clean WAS
Journal CleanWAS is the official journal of International Water, Air & Soil Conservation Society (INWASCON). Journal CleanWAS is an open access product launched to publish selected best quality articles from International Conference on Clean Water, Air & Soil (CleanWAS). CleanWAS is the conference organized every year since 2010 under The International Water, Air and Soil Conservation Society (INWASCON) with joint supports from Malaysian and Chinese Universities. The aim of Journal CleanWAS is to provide productive opportunities for academics and practitioners from interdisciplinary fields of Environmental Sciences to publish their papers in a dedicated online issue. Journal CleanWAS offers an opportunity to potential contributors and experts in bringing new techniques and horizons that will contribute to clean environment.
Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering (ISSN: 2329-8235, e-ISSN: 2329-8243) is a peer reviewed, free-access academic journal aiming to publish high quality articles covering a wide range of Mechanical Engineering. We devote to providing a forum for international scholars, researchers to publish authoritative and well referenced articles in all areas of Mechanical Engineering. Open Journal of Mechanical Engineering (OJME) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture
Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agricultural (MJSA) is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of sustainability in agricultural and food systems. MJSA publishes papers concerned with the advance of agriculture and the use of land resources throughout the world. MJSA publishes both theoretical developments and critical appraisals of new evidence on what is not sustainable about current or past agricultural and food systems, as well as on transitions towards agricultural and rural sustainability at farm, community, regional, national and international levels, and through food supply chains. It is committed to clear and consistent use of language and logic, and the use of appropriate evidence to substantiate empirical statements. It publishes original scientific work related to strategic and applied studies in all aspects of agricultural science and exploited species, as well as reviews of scientific topics of current agricultural relevance.
International Journal of Life Science Study (ISSN: 2329-6119, eISSN: 2329-6100) is an open access and peer reviewed International Journal which is dedicated to publish high-quality articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of Life Sciences. International Journal of Life Science Study (IJLSS) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Malaysian Journal of Halal Research Journal
“Halal” is a word that means “permissible” and while it is commonly associated with food, halal has a far wider embrace, with the potential, in fact, to become a major global business brand. In Asia in particular, business people from countries ranging from Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan to the tiny nation of Brunei are talking up their nation’s aspirations to become a “halal hub”. It is not hard to see why. About a quarter of the world’s population is Muslim. Muslims are required by their faith to eat halal food, bringing the value of the global halal food market close to US$700 billion. This figure increases by the week as halal food producers use social media to extend their marketing to non-Muslims. The halal industry is already worth an estimated US$3 trillion, and includes chemicals, health care, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, leather products and Islamic banking
Malaysian Journal of Halal Research Journal (MJHR) provides a detailed overview of the global halal food and beverage market, including up-to-date trade data on the key sub-sectors of the halal marketplace. It assesses the trade potential in the halal food market by giving insights into its size, dynamics and drivers, its regional variations, the complex nature of its integrated value chain and the evolving regulatory frameworks; discusses the role of trade and investment promotion institutions to develop a inernational halal industry; enhance people’s livelihoods and reduce poverty through development and support of small-scale food-based industries and trading ventures enabling them to connect to global supply chains.
Acta Chemica Malaysia
Due to rapid advances in scientific research and industrialization, there is more need of advanced and durable study in chemistry and chemical engineering field. Acta Chemica Malaysia (ACMY) is an open access as well as print journal and widely covers all branches of chemistry and chemical engineering. It provides a medium for mutual communication between the academia and the industry all over the world. The Journal welcomes original research articles; research notes or short communications and topical or interpretative review articles (previously unpublished) in all established areas of chemistry, chemical engineering and related fields in English Language.
Information Management and Computer Science
Information Management and Computer Science is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research papers and state-of-the-art reviews of broad interest on the Information Management and Computer Science. This journal is sponsored by Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI), International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) and International Water, Air and Soil Conservation Society (INWASCON) and Zibeline International Publishing (ZIP) and Volkson Press (VP); and it is supported by universities and research institutes around the world.
Education, Sustainability & Society
The economic, social and cultural development of human society is highly dependent upon good education. Education in diverse forms and multiple contexts provides the means whereby each generation passes on its culture, discoveries, successes, and failures to the next. Without inter-generational education, very little in a human context can be sustainable. Education is also important to formulate, challenge and disseminate ideas, knowledge, skills, and values within communities, from young to not so young, and between communities, nations, and continents. Education is identified as a key element of sustainability-focused strategies in many contexts and levels that education “is critical for achieving environmental and ethical awareness, values and attitudes, skills and behavior consistent with sustainable development and for effective public participation in decision- making.” The critical role of education has been reconfirmed recently in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development.
Acta Scientifica Malaysia
Life is complex, and there are millions of species alive today. Many millions more lived in the past and then went extinct. Life science is the study of life and living things. Living things are also called organisms. Organisms include microscopic, single-celled organisms. They also include complex, multicellular animals such as you. Clearly, life science is a huge science. Each field of life science has its own specific body of knowledge and relevant theories. However, two theories are basic to all of the life sciences. They form the foundation of every life science field. They are the cell theory and the theory of evolution by natural selection. Both theories have been tested repeatedly. Both are supported by a great deal of evidence. Acta Scientifca Malaysia focus on all branches of life sciences such as ecology, botany, zoology, microbiology, entomology, cell biology, physiology, genetics, epidemiology and paleontology, etc.,
Geological Behavior
Our world is made of rock. Although much of the Earth’s surface is covered by vegetation, concrete or water, if one digs down far enough solid rock will always be found. Rocks are the foundations of the landscape and the origin of the soil. They even affect the weather. For example, the coastal mountains of the Tropics trap rain-laden clouds from the moist ocean breezes. Over the ages, rain erodes the rocks at an imperceptible rate creating the lofty crags, ridges, valleys, gorges and spectacular waterfalls which form the dramatic landscape. These eroded fragments Rock fragments accumulate on lower slopes to form a variety of soils which in turn support a range of forest types. Those who live in a landscape where rock outcrops are obvious will have wondered about the kind of rocks they are looking at and how they came to be where they are now. Geological Behavior (GBR) explains in simple terms what geology can tell us about the world. Many objects of great beauty and which excite our curiosity, such as crystals or fossils, are to be found by examining rocks.
Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management
Advances in Industrial Engineering and Management aims to serve as a vehicle for publishing original research in the field of industrial engineering and management. The papers of interest are all aspects of industrial engineering and management science. It includes Production Logistics System, Industrial Design, Data Mining Technology and Application, Decision Support System and Models, Computer-aided Design and Intelligent Manufacturing, Human Reliability Analysis, Distributed Problem Solving, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Man-Machine-Environment System, Systems Modeling and Simulation, Systems Safety and pre-Warning, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Quality Control and Management, Decision Analysis, Production Planning, Project and Quality Management, Safety, Reliability and Risk Management, Supply Chain Management and Modeling as well as other related fields. It provides an international forum for the dissemination of research.
Earth Sciences Pakistan
Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) focus on interactions between the solid Earth, its water, its air and its living organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent relationships between these four components. ESP also consider how these relationships produce environmental change at different timescales. To do this, they combine knowledge, models and methods drawn from geology, biology, physics and chemistry. ESP also strive to understand past and present environmental processes so that reliable and scientifically based predictions can be made about the future. The journal is highly inter-disciplinary and publishes scholarly research – new data, ideas, and conceptual advances – in Earth and Environmental Science.
Engineering Heritage Journa
Engineering Heritage Journal | Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in civil and environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. Papers focus on design, development of engineering methods, management, governmental policies, and societal impacts of wastewater collection and treatment; the fate and transport of contaminants on watersheds, in surface waters, in groundwater, in soil, and in the atmosphere; environmental biology, microbiology, chemistry, fluid mechanics, and physical processes that control natural concentrations and dispersion of wastes in air, water, and soil; nonpoint-source pollution on watersheds, in streams, in groundwater, in lakes, and in estuaries and coastal areas; treatment, management, and control of hazardous wastes; control and monitoring of air pollution and acid deposition; airshed management; and design and management of solid waste facilities.
Environmental Contaminants Reviews
Environmental contaminants are chemicals that accidentally or deliberately enter the environment, often, but not always, as a result of human activities. Some of these contaminants may have been manufactured for industrial use and because they are very stable, they do not break down easily. If released to the environment, these contaminants may enter the food chain. Other environmental contaminants are naturally-occurring chemicals, but industrial activity may increase their mobility or increase the amount available to circulate in the environment, allowing them to enter the food chain at higher levels than would otherwise occur. A wide variety of environmental contaminants have been detected in foods. These range from metals and “ionic” species like perchlorate to organic (carbon-based) substances, including the so-called “persistent organic pollutants” or POPs (named for their ability to exist in the environment for prolonged periods without breaking down). Legacy POPs such as PCBs have been banned for industrial or agricultural use, but remain in the food chain. Other POPs have been more recently identified, having been found in the environment and the food chain (for example, brominated flame retardants).
Big Data In Agriculture
Although data is important for all players in the value chain, the primary end-users are the farmers and they are the most novice players in the big data approach, particularly those in developing countries. Given the increasing population and the increasing growth of farms – about 500 million of which are smaller than two hectares – on ever-decreasing land availability, the challenge raises many questions.
Science Heritage Journal
The universe is an amazing place. It is vaster than it is possible to measure, stranger and more magical than any science fiction or fantasy, more beautiful than any art, and far more complex than can ever be imagined. Science is beautiful when it makes simple explanations of phenomena or connections between different observations. New discoveries in science will continue to create a thousand new frontiers for those who still would adventure. The life sciences have changed enormously: new disciplines, such as genomic and metabolomic technologies, have revolutionized the descriptive and normative power wielded by these disciplines. The technological developments accompanied by new scientific approaches and positions make the daily practices in the laboratories of the life sciences radically different from life science practices before these developments. New organizations of scientific work emerge and this has a deep social and normative impact. In these new life science approaches and practices, new norms and values are incorporated which are significantly different from the earlier forms of life science practices.
Big Data In Water Resources Engineering
One of the emerging challenges in the 21th century era is collecting and handling ‘Big Data’. The definition of big data changes from one area to other over time. Big data as its name implies is unstructured data that is very big, fast, hard and comes in many forms. Though the applications of big data was confined to information technology before 21st technology, now it is of emerging area in almost all engineering specializations. But for water managers/engineers, big data is showing big promise in many water related applications such as planning optimum water systems, detecting ecosystem changes through big remote sensing and geographical information system, forecasting/predicting/detecting natural and manmade calamities, scheduling irrigations, mitigating environmental pollution, studying climate change impacts etc. This study reviewed the basic information about big data, applications of big data in water resources engineering related studies, advantages and disadvantages of big data. Further, this study presented some of review of literature which has been done on big data applications in water resources engineering.
Earth Science Malaysia
Earth Science Malaysia (ESMY) is an Open Access, peer reviewed, academic Journal promoting the various interdisciplinary aspects of earth sciences. The Journal focuses upon publishing various aspects under the scope of Physical Geography, Geomorphology, Soil Study, Hydrology, Meteorology, Climatology, Biogeography, Geology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochemistry, Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Structural Geology, Geology Engineering, Sedimentology, Geophysics and Geodesy, Seismic Activity, Crustal Geology, Edaphology and Pedology, Ecology, Oceanography and Limnology, Glaciology, Atmospheric Sciences, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Physics, Gravity, Heat Flow, Vibrations, Electricity, Electromagnetic Waves, Magnetism, Radioactivity, Fluid Dynamics, Mineral Physics, Regions of the Earth, Size and form of the Earth, Structure of the Interior, Magnetosphere, Space Probes, etc.
Frontiers in Manufacturing Engineering (ISSN: 2329-8227, e-ISSN: 2329-8219) is a peer reviewed, free-access academic journal aiming to publish high quality articles covering a wide range of manufacturing engineering. We devote to providing a forum for international scholars, researchers to publish authoritative and well referenced articles in manufacturing engineering. Frontiers in Manufacturing Engineering (FME) are a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Environment & Ecosystem Science
Throughout time, humans have learned to exist in many locations on the earth. The interaction of humans with the environment (surroundings) in these locations has often brought major changes in that environment. Some changes were good, some were bad. Many times the bad changes were caused by humans making too much of a change in the environment, by using or abusing the natural resources (anything found in nature) present. Every location where the human race has lived contained a community of plants, animals, insects, and other natural resources. A community of organisms, other natural resources, and their influence on each other is called an ecosystem. The plants and animals existing in an ecosystem are those most adapted to that particular environment. Changing or using natural resources will affect the entire ecosystem, since an imbalance in the system is created.
Social Values & Society
Social values form an important part of the culture of the society. Values account for the stability of social order. They provide the general guidelines for social conduct. Values such as fundamental rights, patriotism, respect for human dignity, rationality, sacrifice, individuality, equality, democracy etc. guide our behaviour in many ways. Values are the criteria people use in assessing their daily lives; arrange their priorities and choosing between alternative course of action.
Acta Mechanica Malaysia
Due to recent advancements in the field of mechanical engineering and automation, it become inventible to provide the most recent information and technology not only on leading-edge research in specialist areas but also on research and development to solve cross-cutting issues. Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) publishes papers of high quality research and critical reviews in the field of mechanical engineering and automation. The journal features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field. Acta Mechanica Malaysia (AMM) is a collaborated publishing project under VOLKSON PRESS and Zibeline International.
Acta Electronica Malaysia
Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM) provide an academic medium to researchers and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. AEM is and Open Access online journal, which publishes research, reviews, letters and guest edited thematic issues in all areas of electrical and electronic engineering making them accessible online freely without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
Water Conservation & Management
Water conservation and management is peer-reviewed and published bi-annually, is committed to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a high impact on the water conservation and management field as a whole. Water Conservation & Management (WCM) is an Open Access journal and aims to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. Water Conservation & Management (WCM) is a collaborated publishing project under VOLKSON PRESS and Zibeline International.
Pollution and Environment (ISSN: 2377-5378) is an open access, international refereed research journal dedicated to the latest advancement of all theoretical and scientific aspects of Environmental Sciences. The Objectives of the journal are to promote and publish original high quality research and to provide a forum to researchers and industry practitioners for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and experience. Pollution and Environment (PE) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Open Journal of Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2377-6250, e-ISSN: 2377-8318) is an international research journal and invites contributions of original and novel fundamental research. The journal aims to provide an international forum for the presentation of original fundamental research, interpretative reviews and discussion of new developments in chemical engineering. Papers which describe novel theory and its application to practice are welcome, as are those which illustrate the transfer of techniques from other disciplines. Reports of carefully executed experimental work, which is soundly interpreted are also welcome. The overall focus is on original and rigorous research results which have generic significance. Open Journal of Chemical Engineering (OJCE) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Journal of Port and Ocean Engineering (ISSN: 2377-6218, e-ISSN: 2377-8326) is a peer reviewed, free-access academic journal aiming to publish high quality articles covering a wide range of Port and Ocean Engineering. We devote to providing a forum for international scholars, researchers to publish authoritative and well referenced articles in Port and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Port and Ocean Engineering (JPOE) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Journal of Port and Ocean Engineering (ISSN: 2377-6218, e-ISSN: 2377-8326) is a peer reviewed, free-access academic journal aiming to publish high quality articles covering a wide range of Port and Ocean Engineering. We devote to providing a forum for international scholars, researchers to publish authoritative and well referenced articles in Port and Ocean Engineering. Journal of Port and Ocean Engineering (JPOE) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Journal of Biopharmaceutics Sciences (ISSN: 2329-8200, eISSN: 2329-8197) provides a medium for publication of novel and innovative research from the areas of Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutics. Journal of Biopharmaceutics Sciences (JBS) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Energy Reviews (ISSN: 2377-6234, e-ISSN: 2377-8342) is an international open access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to integrate new research concepts, equipment, technology, materials and structures and other scientific advances within the field of energy. The Journal is concerned with all science and engineering aspects involved in the exploration and utilization of energy resources. Energy Reviews (ER) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Asia-SAME Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ISSN: 2377-8970) is an international open access and peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the latest advancements in Engineering Sciences. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of Engineering Sciences. Asia-SAME Transactions on Engineering Sciences (ASTE) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.
Applied Computer Letters (ISSN: 2377-6242, e-ISSN: 2377-8156) publishes as rapidly as possible manuscripts of high quality which addresses eminent topics of computer science theory and applications. Being an international, peer-reviewed, online and open access journal, Applied Computer Letters is dedicate to present a world-wide forum for the dissemination of knowledge among engineers, scientists and mathematicians working in the field of computer science. Applied Computer Letters (ACL) is a collaborated publishing project under Volkson Press and Academic Research Publishers.